Dear Sir/Madam


I read an article in a newspaper,that invited the public to contribute to a new consultation, on the above.


I am a retired qualified nurse, with many years of experience. I can understand an attempt to secure more organs for transplant, but presumed consent is absolutely not the way forward.


One only has to look at Wikipedia to discover ,the thoughts related to ownership of ones body.



"The philosophers William Rees-Mogg and James Dale Davison described those possessed of a mind conclusive to self ownership, as sovereign individuals, which have supreme authority and soveriegnity over their own decisions."


When looking at a persons human rights. Article 8 places limits on the

extent to which a public authority can do things which invade a persons privacy in relation to their body without permission. This means it is unlawful for a public authority to act in a way that is incompatible with a convention right. The purpose of the Human Rights Act is to treat people with dignity, fairness, equality and respect.


I feel the lack of respect for peoples wishes by presuming consent

before it is given, will alienate the public and have the reverse

desired result, with fewer organs available.


                                          Yours sincerely


Theresa Ann Orford       

N.N.E.B.    R.G.N.   

R.M .   Cert.Couns. Dip.Couns.  M.A.